Physical Review E – January 1999
Volume 59, Issue 1


General methods of statistical physics

See Also: Erratum
Universality in sandpiles
Alessandro Chessa, H. Eugene Stanley, Alessandro Vespignani, and Stefano Zapperi
pp. R12-R15 [View PDF (98 kB)]
Two-dimensional self-avoiding walks on a cylinder
Helge Frauenkron, Maria Serena Causo, and Peter Grassberger
pp. R16-R19 [View PDF (98 kB)]
Statistics of persistent events: An exactly soluble model
A. Baldassarri, J. P. Bouchaud, I. Dornic, and C. Godrèche
pp. R20-R23 [View PDF (118 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Quasipatterns in second-harmonic generation
Stefano Longhi
pp. R24-R27 [View PDF (350 kB)]
Globally coupled multiattractor maps: Mean field dynamics controlled by the number of elements
Imre M. Jánosi and Jason A. C. Gallas
pp. R28-R31 [View PDF (199 kB)]
Control of transients in “lethargic” systems
G. L. Lippi, P. A. Porta, L. M. Hoffer, and H. Grassi
pp. R32-R35 [View PDF (99 kB)]

Plasma physics

Steady magnetic field generation due to transient field ionization in ultrashort laser-solid interaction
Andrea Macchi, Enrique Conejero Jarque, Dieter Bauer, Fulvio Cornolti, and Luis Plaja
pp. R36-R39 [View PDF (679 kB)]

Physics of beams

Nontrivial linear effects of dispersion at the interaction point
Stefania Petracca and Kohji Hirata
pp. R40-R43 [View PDF (1,060 kB)]

Computational physics

Molecular dynamics simulation with reversible heat addition
Nicolas G. Hadjiconstantinou
pp. R44-R47 [View PDF (102 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Percolation transition and the onset of nonexponential relaxation in fully frustrated models
Annalisa Fierro, Giancarlo Franzese, Antonio de Candia, and Antonio Coniglio
pp. 60-66 [View PDF (132 kB)]
Quantum vortex sheets
M. H. Chang, T. Chiueh, and C. R. Lo
pp. 67-72 [View PDF (141 kB)]
Persistence of collective fluctuations in N-body metaequilibrium gravitating and plasma systems
J. L. Rouet and M. R. Feix
pp. 73-83 [View PDF (464 kB)]
Scaling of stiffness energy for three-dimensional ±J Ising spin glasses
Alexander K. Hartmann
pp. 84-87 [View PDF (83 kB)]
Maxwell model of traffic flows
E. Ben-Naim and P. L. Krapivsky
pp. 88-97 [View PDF (193 kB)]
Noise-induced fronts
Miguel A. Santos and J. M. Sancho
pp. 98-102 [View PDF (108 kB)]
Resonant diffusion in a linear network of fluctuating obstacles
Olivier Benichou, Bernard Gaveau, and Michel Moreau
pp. 103-116 [View PDF (293 kB)]
Stochastic theory of freeway traffic
R. Mahnke and J. Kaupužs
pp. 117-125 [View PDF (205 kB)]
Kinetics of ballistic annihilation and branching
Pierre-Antoine Rey, Michel Droz, and Jarosław Piasecki
pp. 126-134 [View PDF (1,451 kB)]
Lobe dynamics and space charge distribution in nonsteady electroconvection
A. T. Pérez, R. Chicón, and A. Castellanos
pp. 135-142 [View PDF (419 kB)]
Effect of Landauer’s blow torch on the equilibration rate in a bistable potential
Mulugeta Bekele, S. Rajesh, G. Ananthakrishna, and N. Kumar
pp. 143-149 [View PDF (150 kB)]
Thermodynamical behavior of aperiodic Ising models on hierarchical lattices
R. F. S. Andrade
pp. 150-157 [View PDF (159 kB)]
Bose-Einstein condensation in arbitrarily shaped cavities
Klaus Kirsten and David J. Toms
pp. 158-167 [View PDF (192 kB)]
Quantum gas in an external field: Exact grand canonical expressions and numerical treatment
P. N. Vorontsov-Velyaminov, S. D. Ivanov, and R. I. Gorbunov
pp. 168-176 [View PDF (191 kB)]
Numerical analysis of the noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation in 2+1 dimensions
Jason T. Drotar, Y.-P. Zhao, T.-M. Lu, and G.-C. Wang
pp. 177-185 [View PDF (487 kB)]
Large-q expansion of the specific heat for the two-dimensional q-state Potts model
H. Arisue and K. Tabata
pp. 186-188 [View PDF (85 kB)]
Evaporation and coarsening dynamics with open boundaries
A. M. Lacasta, F. Sagués, J. M. Sancho, and I. M. Sokolov
pp. 189-193 [View PDF (208 kB)]
Directed Ising type dynamic preroughening transition in one-dimensional interfaces
Jae Dong Noh, Hyunggyu Park, and Marcel den Nijs
pp. 194-204 [View PDF (242 kB)]
Multispecies asymmetric simple exclusion process and its relation to traffic flow
V. Karimipour
pp. 205-212 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Phase-ordering dynamics with an order-parameter-dependent mobility: The large-n limit
C. L. Emmott and A. J. Bray
pp. 213-217 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Nonequilibrium phase transition in the kinetic Ising model: Existence of a tricritical point and stochastic resonance
Muktish Acharyya
pp. 218-221 [View PDF (90 kB)]
Yang-Lee zeros of one-dimensional quantum many-body systems
Xian-Zhi Wang and Jai Sam Kim
pp. 222-227 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Quadratic fluctuation-dissipation theorem for multilayer plasmas
Kenneth I. Golden
pp. 228-233 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Anomalous dynamic scaling of interfaces in disordered media
Ning-Ning Pang and Wen-Jer Tzeng
pp. 234-238 [View PDF (156 kB)]
Derivation, properties, and simulation of a gas-kinetic-based, nonlocal traffic model
Martin Treiber, Ansgar Hennecke, and Dirk Helbing
pp. 239-253 [View PDF (384 kB)]
Multiaffinity and entropy spectrum of self-affine fractal profiles
Hiroaki Katsuragi and Haruo Honjo
pp. 254-262 [View PDF (228 kB)]
Phase separation in a simple model with dynamical asymmetry
Rajeev Ahluwalia
pp. 263-268 [View PDF (450 kB)]
Influence functional from a bath of coupled time-dependent harmonic oscillators
Jiushu Shao and Nancy Makri
pp. 269-274 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Thermodynamic depth of causal states: Objective complexity via minimal representations
James P. Crutchfield and Cosma Rohilla Shalizi
pp. 275-283 [View PDF (215 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Use of synchronization and adaptive control in parameter estimation from a time series
Anil Maybhate and R. E. Amritkar
pp. 284-293 [View PDF (180 kB)]
Quantum weak chaos in a degenerate system
V. Ya. Demikhovskii, D. I. Kamenev, and G. A. Luna-Acosta
pp. 294-302 [View PDF (307 kB)]
Classical and quantum chaos in the generalized parabolic lemon-shaped billiard
V. Lopac, I. Mrkonjić, and D. Radić
pp. 303-311 [View PDF (724 kB)]
Synchronization of chaotic maps through a noisy coupling channel with application to digital communication
Ali A. Minai and Tirunelveli Anand
pp. 312-320 [View PDF (244 kB)]
Deformed Gaussian orthogonal ensemble and the statistical fluctuations in the spectra of the quartic oscillator
C. I. Barbosa, C. L. Lima, M. S. Hussein, and M. P. Pato
pp. 321-329 [View PDF (199 kB)]
Spectral correlations in the crossover transition from a superposition of harmonic oscillators to the Gaussian unitary ensemble
Thomas Guhr and Thomas Papenbrock
pp. 330-336 [View PDF (168 kB)]
Fitting partial differential equations to space-time dynamics
Markus Bär, Rainer Hegger, and Holger Kantz
pp. 337-342 [View PDF (263 kB)]
Mixed basin boundary structures of chaotic systems
Epaminondas Rosa, Jr. and Edward Ott
pp. 343-352 [View PDF (991 kB)]
Inertia effects on periodic synchronization in a system of coupled oscillators
H. Hong, M. Y. Choi, J. Yi, and K.-S. Soh
pp. 353-363 [View PDF (230 kB)]
Field driven thermostated systems: A nonlinear multibaker map
T. Gilbert, C. D. Ferguson, and J. R. Dorfman
pp. 364-371 [View PDF (187 kB)]
Dynamics of a reaction-diffusion system with Brusselator kinetics under feedback control
Iasson Karafyllis, Panagiotis D. Christofides, and Prodromos Daoutidis
pp. 372-380 [View PDF (1,152 kB)]
Role of aperiodic order for fluxon dynamics in Josephson junction arrays
Erik Lennholm and Michael Hörnquist
pp. 381-389 [View PDF (163 kB)]
Semiclassical sum rules for matrix elements and response functions in chaotic and in integrable quantum billiards
B. Mehlig
pp. 390-408 [View PDF (4,450 kB)]
Synchronization and directed percolation in coupled map lattices
Franco Bagnoli, Lucia Baroni, and Paolo Palmerini
pp. 409-416 [View PDF (171 kB)]

Classical fluids

Temperature measured close to the interface of an evaporating liquid
G. Fang and C. A. Ward
pp. 417-428 [View PDF (448 kB)]
Expression for predicting liquid evaporation flux: Statistical rate theory approach
C. A. Ward and G. Fang
pp. 429-440 [View PDF (200 kB)]
Examination of the statistical rate theory expression for liquid evaporation rates
G. Fang and C. A. Ward
pp. 441-453 [View PDF (244 kB)]
Simple lattice Boltzmann model for simulating flows with shock wave
Yan Guangwu, Chen Yaosong, and Hu Shouxin
pp. 454-459 [View PDF (150 kB)]
Self-diffusion in an isotopic fluid
Raman Sharma, K. Tankeshwar, and K. C. Sharma
pp. 460-468 [View PDF (179 kB)]
Curvature dependence of the surface tension of liquid and vapor nuclei
V. G. Baidakov and G. Sh. Boltachev
pp. 469-475 [View PDF (157 kB)]
Dissolving interfaces in the presence of gravity
D. H. Vlad and J. V. Maher
pp. 476-478 [View PDF (66 kB)]
Computer simulation study of the structure of the liquid-vapor interface of mercury at 20, 100, and 200 °C
Dmitriy S. Chekmarev, Meishan Zhao, and Stuart A. Rice
pp. 479-491 [View PDF (234 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Diverging correlation lengths in electrolytes: Exact results at low densities
Stefan Bekiranov and Michael E. Fisher
pp. 492-511 [View PDF (361 kB)]
Creep motion of a solidification front in a two-dimensional binary alloy
X. Feng, E. A. Brener, D. E. Temkin, Y. Saito, and H. Müller-Krumbhaar
pp. 512-527 [View PDF (297 kB)]
Point defects of a three-dimensional vector order parameter
Yishi Duan, Hong Zhang, and Libin Fu
pp. 528-534 [View PDF (149 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Role of side chains in phase equilibria of disklike mesogens
Maciej Wnek and Jozef K. Moscicki
pp. 535-550 [View PDF (335 kB)]
Rotational bias of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal studied by polarized Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
A. Kocot, R. Wrzalik, B. Orgasinska, T. Perova, J. K. Vij, and H. T. Nguyen
pp. 551-555 [View PDF (263 kB)]
Corresponding states of fluid motion in nematic liquid crystals
M. Simões and A. A. Arroteia
pp. 556-562 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Instability of radial hedgehog configurations in nematic liquid crystals under Landau–de Gennes free-energy models
E. C. Gartland, Jr. and S. Mkaddem
pp. 563-567 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Formation of disclination lines near a free nematic interface
Jordi Ignés-Mullol, Jean Baudry, Lubor Lejcek, and Patrick Oswald
pp. 568-577 [View PDF (1,230 kB)]
Measurements of anchoring energy of a nematic liquid crystal, 4-cyano-4-n-pentylbiphenyl, on Langmuir-Blodgett films of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine
U. Kühnau, A. G. Petrov, G. Klose, and H. Schmiedel
pp. 578-585 [View PDF (170 kB)]
Pattern formation and chiral phase separation by compression: Racemic monolayer viewed as Bragg-Williams binary cholesterics
Mitsumasa Iwamoto, Chen-Xu Wu, and Ou-Yang Zhong-can
pp. 586-590 [View PDF (129 kB)]
Interaction of foreign macrodroplets in a nematic liquid crystal and induced supermolecular structures
B. I. Lev and P. M. Tomchuk
pp. 591-602 [View PDF (244 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

Dynamics of the phase behavior of a polymer blend under shear flow
Tao Sun, Anna C. Balazs, and David Jasnow
pp. 603-611 [View PDF (172 kB)]
Experimental determination of the cooperative length scale of a glass-forming liquid near the glass transition temperature
A. K. Rizos and K. L. Ngai
pp. 612-617 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Freezing of polydisperse hard spheres
David A. Kofke and Peter G. Bolhuis
pp. 618-622 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Calculation of the coherent dynamic structure factor of polyisoprene from molecular dynamics simulations
Neil E. Moe and M. D. Ediger
pp. 623-630 [View PDF (159 kB)]
Phase segregation in binary sandpiles on fractal bases
N. Vandewalle, R. D’hulst, and M. Ausloos
pp. 631-635 [View PDF (762 kB)]
Alternative off-lattice model with continuous backbone mass for polymers
Gunther Schöppe and Dieter W. Heermann
pp. 636-641 [View PDF (264 kB)]
Structure and dynamics of surfactant-stabilized aggregates of palladium nanoparticles under dilute and semidilute conditions: Static and dynamic x-ray scattering
T. Thurn-Albrecht, G. Meier, P. Müller-Buschbaum, A. Patkowski, W. Steffen, G. Grübel, D. L. Abernathy, O. Diat, M. Winter, M. G. Koch, and M. T. Reetz
pp. 642-649 [View PDF (193 kB)]
Bond fluctuation method for a polymer undergoing gel electrophoresis
Ryuzo Azuma and Hajime Takayama
pp. 650-655 [View PDF (157 kB)]
Kinetic description of a fluidized one-dimensional granular system
Rosa Ramírez and Patricio Cordero
pp. 656-664 [View PDF (188 kB)]
Aggregation phenomena in a lecithin-based gel: Transient networks and diffusional dynamics
F. Aliotta, M. E. Fontanella, M. Pieruccini, and C. Vasi
pp. 665-672 [View PDF (148 kB)]
Dendritic crystal growth for weak undercooling. II. Surface energy effects on nonlinear evolution
M. D. Kunka, M. R. Foster, and S. Tanveer
pp. 673-710 [View PDF (639 kB)]
Permeability of periodic porous media
F. J. Alcocer, V. Kumar, and P. Singh
pp. 711-714 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Emulsion glasses: A dynamic light-scattering study
Hu Gang, A. H. Krall, H. Z. Cummins, and D. A. Weitz
pp. 715-721 [View PDF (126 kB)]
Complex terraced spreading of perfluoropolyalkylether films on carbon surfaces
X. Ma, J. Gui, L. Smoliar, K. Grannen, B. Marchon, C. L. Bauer, and M. S. Jhon
pp. 722-727 [View PDF (122 kB)]
“Intrinsic” profiles and capillary waves at homopolymer interfaces: A Monte Carlo study
A. Werner, F. Schmid, M. Müller, and K. Binder
pp. 728-738 [View PDF (334 kB)]
Kinematics of a two-dimensional granular Couette experiment at the transition to shearing
C. T. Veje, Daniel W. Howell, and R. P. Behringer
pp. 739-745 [View PDF (683 kB)]
Droplet spreading on heterogeneous substrates using molecular dynamics
M. H. Adão, M. de Ruijter, M. Voué, and J. De Coninck
pp. 746-750 [View PDF (123 kB)]
Magnetic-field-induced nonequilibrium structures in a ferrofluid emulsion
George A. Flores, Jing Liu, M. Mohebi, and N. Jamasbi
pp. 751-762 [View PDF (385 kB)]
Phase separations and orientational ordering of polymers in liquid crystal solvents
Akihiko Matsuyama and Tadaya Kato
pp. 763-770 [View PDF (173 kB)]
Molecular segregation in lyotropic complex fluids: A phenomenological approach
V. P. Dmitriev, P. Tolédano, A. M. Figueiredo Neto, and I. V. Lebedyuk
pp. 771-777 [View PDF (158 kB)]
Experimental study of a granular flow in a vertical pipe: A spatiotemporal analysis
Jean-Luc Aider, Nathalie Sommier, Tareck Raafat, and Jean-Pierre Hulin
pp. 778-786 [View PDF (581 kB)]
Crystallization and vitrification of semiflexible living polymers: A lattice model
Gautam I. Menon and Rahul Pandit
pp. 787-802 [View PDF (300 kB)]
Model for faceting in a kinetically controlled crystal growth
A. A. Golovin, S. H. Davis, and A. A. Nepomnyashchy
pp. 803-825 [View PDF (15,171 kB)]
Kinetic growth of field-oriented chains in dipolar colloidal solutions
M.-Carmen Miguel and R. Pastor-Satorras
pp. 826-834 [View PDF (202 kB)]
Temperature oscillations of hydrothermal waves in thermocapillary-buoyancy convection
Miguel Angel Pelacho and Javier Burguete
pp. 835-840 [View PDF (155 kB)]
Smoluchowski hypernetted chain theory description of the dynamics of ions confined in charged micropores
Pedro J. Colmenares and Wilmer Olivares-Rivas
pp. 841-849 [View PDF (225 kB)]
Nucleation of oscillons
Seong-Ok Jeong and Hie-Tae Moon
pp. 850-854 [View PDF (543 kB)]
Probability density function modeling of dispersed two-phase turbulent flows
Jacek Pozorski and Jean-Pierre Minier
pp. 855-863 [View PDF (184 kB)]
Wetting transitions of Ne
M. J. Bojan, G. Stan, S. Curtarolo, W. A. Steele, and M. W. Cole
pp. 864-873 [View PDF (207 kB)]
Magnetic-resonance determination of the spatial dependence of the droplet size distribution in the cream layer of oil-in-water emulsions: Evidence for the effects of depletion flocculation
P. J. McDonald, E. Ciampi, J. L. Keddie, M. Heidenreich, and R. Kimmich
pp. 874-884 [View PDF (243 kB)]
Chain confinement effects on interdiffusion in polymer multilayers
E. Sivaniah, M. Sferrazza, R. A. L. Jones, and D. G. Bucknall
pp. 885-888 [View PDF (82 kB)]
Simulation of a two-dimensional shear cell
Steffen Schöllmann
pp. 889-899 [View PDF (1,045 kB)]
See Also: Erratum

Biological physics

Coupling of intramolecular and intermolecular linkage complexity of two DNAs
John F. Marko
pp. 900-912 [View PDF (354 kB)]
Classification of microtubule histories
D. J. Bicout and R. J. Rubin
pp. 913-920 [View PDF (176 kB)]
Small-angle scattering studies of the fully hydrated phospholipid DPPC
P. C. Mason, B. D. Gaulin, R. M. Epand, G. D. Wignall, and J. S. Lin
pp. 921-928 [View PDF (235 kB)]
Nonlinear models for detecting epileptic spikes
L. Diambra and C. P. Malta
pp. 929-937 [View PDF (209 kB)]
Scaling behavior of stochastic minimization algorithms in a perfect funnel landscape
K. Hamacher and W. Wenzel
pp. 938-941 [View PDF (70 kB)]
New proteinlike properties of cubic lattice models
Georges Trinquier and Yves-Henri Sanejouand
pp. 942-946 [View PDF (164 kB)]
Optimally adapted multistate neural networks trained with noise
R. Erichsen, Jr. and W. K. Theumann
pp. 947-955 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Synthetic analysis of periodically stimulated excitable and oscillatory membrane models
K. Yoshino, T. Nomura, K. Pakdaman, and S. Sato
pp. 956-969 [View PDF (325 kB)]
Folding in two-dimensional off-lattice models of proteins
Mai Suan Li and Marek Cieplak
pp. 970-976 [View PDF (130 kB)]
Statistical properties of contact maps
Michele Vendruscolo, Balakrishna Subramanian, Ido Kanter, Eytan Domany, and Joel Lebowitz
pp. 977-984 [View PDF (729 kB)]
Optimal asymptotic learning rate: Macroscopic versus microscopic dynamics
Todd K. Leen, Bernhard Schottky, and David Saad
pp. 985-991 [View PDF (166 kB)]
Recurrence quantification analysis as a tool for characterization of molecular dynamics simulations
Cesare Manetti, Marc-Antoine Ceruso, Alessandro Giuliani, Charles L. Webber, Jr., and Joseph P. Zbilut
pp. 992-998 [View PDF (294 kB)]
Equation of state for polymer liquid crystals: Theory and experiment
H. H. Strey, V. A. Parsegian, and R. Podgornik
pp. 999-1008 [View PDF (201 kB)]
Pattern formation of a reaction-diffusion system with self-consistent flow in the amoeboid organism Physarum plasmodium
Hiroyasu Yamada, Toshiyuki Nakagaki, and Masami Ito
pp. 1009-1014 [View PDF (125 kB)]

Plasma physics

Dielectric properties of interacting storage ring plasmas
A. Selchow and K. Morawetz
pp. 1015-1023 [View PDF (207 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Pressure ionization in dense plasmas
G. Chiu and A. Ng
pp. 1024-1032 [View PDF (186 kB)]
Electromagnetically induced guiding of counterpropagating lasers in plasmas
G. Shvets and A. Pukhov
pp. 1033-1037 [View PDF (257 kB)]
Stimulated Brillouin backscattering from underdense expanding plasmas in a regime of strong filamentation
A. Giulietti, A. Macchi, E. Schifano, V. Biancalana, C. Danson, D. Giulietti, L. A. Gizzi, and O. Willi
pp. 1038-1046 [View PDF (528 kB)]
Instabilities in a dusty plasma with ion drag and ionization
D. Samsonov and J. Goree
pp. 1047-1058 [View PDF (832 kB)]
Experimental test of models of high-plasma-density, radio-frequency sheaths
Mark A. Sobolewski
pp. 1059-1072 [View PDF (299 kB)]
Electrical conductivity of dense metal plasmas
Ronald Redmer
pp. 1073-1081 [View PDF (220 kB)]
Nonparaxial propagation of ultrashort laser pulses in plasma channels
E. Esarey and W. P. Leemans
pp. 1082-1095 [View PDF (345 kB)]
Observation of nonthermal turbulent electric fields in a nanosecond plasma opening switch experiment
A. Weingarten, S. Alexiou, Y. Maron, M. Sarfaty, Ya. E. Krasik, and A. S. Kingsep
pp. 1096-1110 [View PDF (388 kB)]
Theory of magnetized, coupled, rf-driven plasma sheaths in one dimension
Spilios Riyopoulos
pp. 1111-1121 [View PDF (282 kB)]
Ultrahigh-intensity inverse bremsstrahlung
I. Yu. Kostyukov and J.-M. Rax
pp. 1122-1135 [View PDF (823 kB)]

Physics of beams

Superradiant, single-supermode and nonlinear regimes of short pulse free electron laser oscillators
P. Chaix, N. Piovella, and G. Grégoire
pp. 1136-1151 [View PDF (1,675 kB)]
Pulse propagation effects in a cyclotron resonance maser amplifier
P. Aitken, B. W. J. McNeil, G. R. M. Robb, and A. D. R. Phelps
pp. 1152-1166 [View PDF (285 kB)]
Head-tail effect due to lattice nonlinearities in storage rings
Kazuhito Ohmi and Yukinori Kobayashi
pp. 1167-1170 [View PDF (116 kB)]
Transient analysis of free-electron lasers with discrete radiators
S. Krinsky
pp. 1171-1183 [View PDF (290 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Green’s function of wave field in media with one-dimensional large-scale periodicity
E. V. Aksenova, V. P. Romanov, and A. Yu. Val’kov
pp. 1184-1192 [View PDF (233 kB)]
Coherence properties of multimode incoherent spatial solitons in noninstantaneous Kerr media
M. I. Carvalho, T. H. Coskun, D. N. Christodoulides, M. Mitchell, and M. Segev
pp. 1193-1199 [View PDF (219 kB)]
Decomposition of the point-dipole field into homogeneous and evanescent parts
T. Setälä, M. Kaivola, and A. T. Friberg
pp. 1200-1206 [View PDF (3,954 kB)]

Computational physics

Scattering solutions of the spinless Salpeter equation
F. Brau and C. Semay
pp. 1207-1211 [View PDF (117 kB)]
Class of Monte Carlo algorithms for dynamic problems leads to an adaptive method
Erwan Adam, Luc Billard, and Frédéric Lançon
pp. 1212-1216 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Vector difference calculus for physical lattice models
W. Schwalm, B. Moritz, M. Giona, and M. Schwalm
pp. 1217-1233 [View PDF (316 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Critical nature of ideal Bose-Einstein condensation: Similarity with Yang-Lee theory of phase transition
Xian-Zhi Wang and Jai Sam Kim
pp. 1242-1245 [View PDF (100 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Chaos in coplanar classical collisions with particles interacting through r-2 forces
Fabio Sattin and Luca Salasnich
pp. 1246-1249 [View PDF (98 kB)]

Classical fluids

Stability of convection in a vertical binary fluid layer with an adverse density gradient
M. M. Bou-Ali, O. Ecenarro, J. A. Madariaga, C. M. Santamaría, and J. J. Valencia
pp. 1250-1252 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Derivation of the macroscopic continuum equations for multiphase flow
Qisu Zou and Xiaoyi He
pp. 1253-1255 [View PDF (89 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers and granular materials

High energy tail in the velocity distribution of a granular gas
J. Javier Brey, D. Cubero, and M. J. Ruiz-Montero
pp. 1256-1258 [View PDF (106 kB)]
Roughness-induced fluid interface fluctuations due to polar and apolar interactions
G. Palasantzas and G. Backx
pp. 1259-1262 [View PDF (109 kB)]

Physics of beams

Ultrashort electron beam generation from resonantly excited nonlinear laser wakefield
K. Nagashima, Y. Kishimoto, and H. Takuma
pp. 1263-1266 [View PDF (574 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Bragg solitons and the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
C. Martijn de Sterke and Benjamin J. Eggleton
pp. 1267-1269 [View PDF (90 kB)]
Generation of light spatiotemporal solitons from asymmetric pulses in saturating nonlinear media
V. Skarka, V. I. Berezhiani, and R. Miklaszewski
pp. 1270-1273 [View PDF (159 kB)]

Computational physics

Numerical solutions of nonlinear wave equations
D. J. Kouri, D. S. Zhang, G. W. Wei, T. Konshak, and D. K. Hoffman
pp. 1274-1277 [View PDF (134 kB)]


Comment on “Gas-liquid coexistence and demixing in systems with highly directional pair potentials”
P. I. C. Teixeira
pp. 1280-1282 [View PDF (55 kB)]